Monday, February 22, 2010

Thanks Korea

I've been trying to post something once a week or so, usually after my weekend activities so that there is something interesting for you all to read. However, this weekend I am less than impressed with this country so my post will be short. I went to Seomun Market yesterday with Ted; the market itself is rather impressive. It was huge, ridiculously crowded, and full of all kinds of people selling their wares. Unfortunately, we stumbled across the part of the market where they sell animals for eating. There were all kinds of dead pheasants, 4 or 5 large roosters in one small cage, huge rabbits (bigger than a cat), and several cages full of puppies and kittens. It kind of made me want to puke. We left the market after that, and we walked over to Dalseong Park where they have a zoo. I like zoos, but this one just made me want to cry. All of the animals looked mangy and skinny, and none of them had enough room to run around. The bear was the worst though...I've never seen a more unhappy looking bear. This is where the weekend gets really eventful: we left the park and walked home, I took a nap, and then we reconvened a couple hours later to get dinner. The Italian place we wanted to go to was closed so we went to the Italian place next door instead. I got pasta, Ted got pizza with potatoes on it, and within an hour after eating I felt terrible. I had a wicked fever, complete with chills and body aches, a massive throbbing headache, and I'll spare you the more disgusting details. I got absolutely no sleep, and I spent all of today in bed. I got up around 8pm to make myself some chicken noodle soup and to move over to my armchair so that I could get out of bed for a couple hours. I had Ted make a trip to the market down the street to get me some Coke to settle my stomach and some Gatorade to rehydrate. Apparently he felt kind of sick last night too, but he didn't have it nearly as bad as I do. So yeah, my weekend kind of sucked. I managed to make it through 22 years of my life without food poisoning, but Korea has successfully contaminated me within just two months. Well done.

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