Friday, July 3, 2009


So everyone, welcome to the official "Jaime's Adventures in South Korea" blog, as promised! As most of you already know, I recently graduated from the University of Maine, and I accepted a position as an English teacher in South Korea (no I don't speak Korean, but I'm learning. Fortunately, Koreans speak English, too). I'll be leaving in mid-August (around the 13th or so). My training starts on August 17th in Seoul, and my job officially starts on August 24th. I'll be teaching from 4-10pm Korean time, about 4 or 5 days each week (not too shabby, eh?). And not to worry, I'll be traveling with a very good friend of mine: Angie, from Temple, ME. She, too, graduated from UMaine with a B.S. in Secondary Education, concentration in English (same degree program as me). We'll be traveling, living, and possibly teaching together. I've included a link to her blog because there's a good chance she'll be more diligent about posting (or she'll post in more detail). I'll be sure to post with more details later; I get my contract in July, and that will include specifics regarding pay, exact location, grade level assignment, housing, etc. I hope you enjoy this little window into my life abroad!


  1. Time stamps are in Korean time, by the way. Korea is ahead approximately 14 hours.

  2. Thanks for the clarification...I was confused! My friend here at work has a son that is doing the same thing you'll be doing in Mongolia. She follows his blog spot while here at the workplace.
